FREEBIE: Key Signature Flashcards & Name That Key Worksheet

I’ve got a new freebie for you today! It is so important to help our students understand key signatures, including knowing the order of sharps and flats, understanding relative minor keys and remembering the rules for identifying keys with sharp or flat key signatures. Understanding the circle of 5ths is important, of course, but sometimes I think that simply drilling key signatures over and over is the best way to remember them.

I created these key signature flashcards to help students practice naming the major and minor keys associated with each key signature, and decided to give them to you as a free download! You can either print the answers on the back (make sure you use cardstock – thicker paper will make sure that you can’t see the answer through the card!), or you might want to print the answers separately and use them as a memory match game to match up the key signatures to their associated major and minor keys! You can easily use them during online lessons as well, simply hold the cards up to the screen to quiz your students.

This download also includes a Name That Key worksheet so your students can practice at home. You could even time them and see how fast they can name all of the keys.