Snowman Chords Worksheet Freebie


This is sort of a funny thing to post on a beautiful spring-like day!

The other day was a morning like this, there was a hint of spring in the air while I drove my son to school. After being cooped up during a bleak and dreary winter with sick kids it made me so happy to see some blue sky and feel a warm breeze! I instantly thought of Chopin’s Prelude in G Major and came home and listened to it – I love this beautiful piece! I always think of a spring stream when I hear this piece (and maybe I didn’t make that up – a quick google search told me that Cortot assigned the epithet The singing of the stream to this little piece).

Well, as is common in Utah during this time of year, the springtime morning quickly turned into a winter blizzard by lunchtime. I decided to celebrate by making this cute little chord-spelling worksheet! Those who are still experiencing winter might find this little activity useful!

Students fill in the middle sections of each snowman with the middle note of each chord. Included are all of the major and minor chords (including white-key and black-key chords). The first page of each of the major and minor sections includes just the white-key chords, so you can assign just that page to younger students or those who have not yet learned all of the other keys.

Download Snowman Chords and other fun freebies and teaching materials in the Playful Piano Shop. And happy spring – er, winter!

Jennifer Boster

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