
Step into Scales – Paperback

Original price was: $29.50.Current price is: $16.00.

Step into Scales is the follow-up resource to the My Muscle Builder Book series. This book takes students through the learning and perfecting of their scales, arpeggios, inversion exercises and more in an easy-to-follow and motivating program. Students are ready to begin this book if they have a) completed all of the My Muscle Builder Books, b) completed Piano Muscle Builders for Older Beginners, or c) are ready to start learning hands-alone one and two-octave scales.

The learning of scales and arpeggios is so important for pianists, but it is often the practice task that is daunting, dreaded, boring or neglected. Sometimes scales are quickly played through sloppily and then the student moves onto other more exciting practice tasks. Like the creating of a habit, learning scales takes daily work and commitment. In his book Atomic Habits, James Clear writes, “You do not rise to the level of your goals. You fall to the level of your systems.”

This book is a complete system for learning scales. It keeps students motivated by showing which small, simple exercises to complete each day, and allowing students to check off the box after they have played each exercise. It is easy to follow the step-by-step instructions. It is quick to complete – many of the pages in the book can be completed in under three minutes. As students create good practice habits, including just a couple of minutes of scale practice to begin their practice session, they will start to become more confident and competent in their playing and in their understanding of music theory.

Read more about this resource and see sample pages here.

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Weight 0.8 lbs
Dimensions 11 × 8.5 × .28 in
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