
Piano Practice Routine Book: Paperback, Dinosaurs

Original price was: $8.00.Current price is: $4.50.

Help your students create a great piano practice routine with this Piano Practice Routine Book. Both a piano lesson assignment book and a practice guide, this resource organizes piano assignments into 7 categories: Warm-Ups, Sight Reading, At-Level Music, Challenge Pieces, Creative Skills, Theory, and Listening. The weekly assignment page includes a space to assign things in each category; it also includes a practice chart to color, a space to record goals for the week, and two grand staves for theory reminders or practice.

Other pages include a Circle of Fifths reference sheet that students can color in as they pass off exercises in each key; a page to record pieces learned during the year; a Year of Piano Practice tracker; and a reference guide that gives activity suggestions for each of the seven categories.

Read more and see sample pages here.

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SKU: PP-022 Category:

Additional information

Weight .4625 lbs
Dimensions 11 × 8.5 × .14 in
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