Concepts Learned in Piano Muscle Builders for Older Beginners:
Part 1: White Key Pentascales (Major and Minor)
- Hands alone and hands together pentascales with metronome.
- Four octave hand-over-hand pentascales.
- Opposite-motion scales.
- Scales with one hand staccato and the other hand legato, and one hand forte with the other hand piano to learn independence of hands.
- Hands alone and hands together simple arpeggios.
- Four octave hand-over-hand arpeggios.
- “Fancy Arpeggios” with pedal and crescendo.
- Block triads with firm fingertips and flexible wrist.
- Four octave hand-over-hand triads.
- Writing all white key major and minor chords on the staff.
Part 2: Chords
- I, IV, and V7 chord progressions in every major white key.
- 3 different left hand accompaniment patterns.
- White key major and minor chord inversion exercises, blocked and broken, hands alone and hands together.
- Writing white key major and minor chord inversions on the staff.
Part 3: Black Key Pentascales (Major and Minor)
- Sneaky Thumb and Finger Crossover exercises.
- Five different musical ways to play scales.
- Black key pentascales with standard full scale fingerings (& an optional alternate fingering on a couple of them for greater ease of playing and teaching – up to your discretion which one you use!)
- Block triads in all black key major and minor keys.
- Writing black key major and minor chords on the staff.
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