Piano Muscle Builders for Older Beginners: 2nd Edition


This brand-new edition combines all three levels of Piano Muscle Builders for Older Beginners into a beautifully-designed technique book. It is a fantastic way to teach scales, arpeggios, chords, inversions and chord progressions. It works wonderfully for beginning students who are too old for the My Muscle Builder Books and in need of something that is more straightforward, less cutesy, and moves more quickly through the material. Emphasis is placed on playing the exercises with good technique and with a musical purpose. Each exercise is listed with five stars next to it, one to color in each day the exercise is practiced; this encourages consistent practice and accountability.

This book takes the place of all six My Muscle Builder Books. Students who complete this book will have a solid understanding of pentascales, chords, inversions, and I-IV-I-V7-I chord progressions in all major and minor keys and will be ready to begin learning full scales and arpeggios, hands separate. This book helps students become musically-literate quickly and gives them the skills necessary to begin harmonizing lead sheets, composing and making their own arrangements. The entire book can be completed in about five months if students are committed and complete one page per week.

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Studio-licensed digital download. 55 pages.



Concepts Learned in Piano Muscle Builders for Older Beginners:

Part 1: White Key Pentascales (Major and Minor)

  • Hands alone and hands together pentascales with metronome.
  • Four octave hand-over-hand pentascales.
  • Opposite-motion scales.
  • Scales with one hand staccato and the other hand legato, and one hand forte with the other hand piano to learn independence of hands.
  • Hands alone and hands together simple arpeggios.
  • Four octave hand-over-hand arpeggios.
  • “Fancy Arpeggios” with pedal and crescendo.
  • Block triads with firm fingertips and flexible wrist.
  • Four octave hand-over-hand triads.
  • Writing all white key major and minor chords on the staff.

Part 2: Chords

  • I, IV, and V7 chord progressions in every major white key.
  • 3 different left hand accompaniment patterns.
  • White key major and minor chord inversion exercises, blocked and broken, hands alone and hands together.
  • Writing white key major and minor chord inversions on the staff.

Part 3: Black Key Pentascales (Major and Minor)

  • Sneaky Thumb and Finger Crossover exercises.
  • Five different musical ways to play scales.
  • Black key pentascales with standard full scale fingerings (& an optional alternate fingering on a couple of them for greater ease of playing and teaching – up to your discretion which one you use!)
  • Block triads in all black key major and minor keys.
  • Writing black key major and minor chords on the staff.
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