My Muscle Builder Book 6


Concepts in Book 6
Minor white key chord inversion exercise
White key major two-octave scales with rhythms & articulations, hands alone
Black key major two-octave scales, hands alone
Simple transposing to black key major keys
Chromatic scales, hands alone
Ear training – minor 2nds and major 2nds, perfect 4ths, 5ths and 8ths

*To purchase the paperback edition of this title, click here

46 pages, digital download


My Muscle Builder Books are illustrated, step-by-step piano technique booklets designed to help even your youngest students learn correct piano techniques and become fluent in playing chords and scales all over the keyboard. Emphasis is placed on playing the exercises with a musical purpose, and many articulations and techniques are introduced. Each scale or exercise is clearly illustrated using colorful circles on a keyboard, making it possible for young students to use the books beginning at their very first lesson! The booklets are attractive and colorful and include spaces to pass off each exercise with a sticker. Created by Jennifer Boster, NCTM, these booklets will give students a sound foundation in their piano technique and their understanding of keyboard fundamentals. Purchase one digital copy and print off unlimited copies for your students in your private studio.

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