popular/movie songs I wouldn’t mind letting my students learn…

Since I recently posted about pop music, I thought I’d put this out there –

Sometimes I hear a pop song or a song from a movie soundtrack and think, “hmmm, I like that – I wouldn’t mind if a student learned that song.”

I’m talking about piano pieces that you can actually maybe learn some good piano technique in, or that maybe sound a little classical-ish. The good thing about these is that they could be great motivation for students who may not be so into classical music…and possibly a way to start to “convert” them to classical music 🙂

Pride & Prejudice - Music from the Motion Picture Soundtrack - Piano Solo Songbook

  • that one song (“Married Life”) from Disney’s/Pixar’s “Up” – the one that’s a waltz

Up: Music from the Motion Picture Soundtrack (Piano Solo Songbook)

  • My Father’s Favorite from the movie Sense & Sensibility (great movie by the way :))

What else do you have to add to the list?

Jennifer Boster

3 Responses to “popular/movie songs I wouldn’t mind letting my students learn…

  • I have the music from Sense and Sensibility and it is wonderful and is really pianistic.

  • I like to include a couple of the Pride and Prejudice songs when I do background music at receptions – "Dawn" and "Liz on Top of the World" are my favorites. I will have to check out the other stuff. Jenny, you are an endless fountain of information! You never cease to amaze me.

  • Oh yeah, the theme song from The Notebook, although too sappy for some tastes, is also a good one.

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