Piano Practice Conversation Hearts

New today in the Shop is a fun Valentines Day-themed practice printable – Piano Practice Conversation Hearts. One of the most important things we can do as piano teachers to help our students succeed is to spend lots of time actually teaching them how to practice correctly and efficiently. If students have the tools they need to learn a song well and learn it relatively quickly, they will learn more quickly and gain much more confidence, putting them on the path to success in piano! I find that so many people don’t actually really know how to practice well, so it’s a great thing to talk to your students about often!

This fun printable will help students practice their pieces in lots of different ways to help them learn them more quickly and accurately. Print and cut out the hearts. Send home a set with each student to use for practice. Assign them how many hearts to choose for each piece to be practiced. For example, you may assign your student to practice each piece 5 or 6 times – for each repetition they will choose a heart (from a face-down shuffled pile), then practice in the manner stated on the heart. There are 18 different ways to practice that should work well with most beginning or intermediate pieces. Hopefully this will be a fun way for your students to practice and help them to not just play their pieces all the way through over and over and over. 🙂

Download the Piano Practice Conversation Hearts here!

Jennifer Boster

2 Responses to “Piano Practice Conversation Hearts

  • I think this is a great idea! Young students tend to only practice their pieces in one way, playing the piece from the beginning to the end. But with these “conversation” hearts, the students are motivated to practice in different ways, which will allow them to learn the pieces better and develop good practicing habits.

    I think my favorite cards is super slow and without mistakes!

    • Jenny
      8 years ago

      Thanks for the comment, Jordan! It’s true, we need to give our students lots of different ways to practice! Glad you found this helpful 🙂

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