How Music Changes a Person


My Dad has been going through old photos these past few weeks, and yesterday he happened upon this photo of me and my piano teacher, Bonnie Winterton. This was taken in front of her house in 1997 after my first piano recital with Bonnie.

My first gut reaction was to cringe a little bit – this was when I was slowly emerging from my “awkward years” – I had just gotten contacts and still had braces on my teeth. I kind of wonder what the heck I am wearing and what is happening with my bangs! But then I look at it again and what I love most about this picture is seeing my teacher with her arm around me, a giant smile on her face. I can tell that she was proud of me.

It reminded me of something she said to me several years ago. I called her up during my senior year in college to interview her for a paper I was writing. I asked her lots of questions about teaching. I asked her about her teaching goals and what she loves about teaching. Here is what she said (this is SO Bonnie – I can hear her in my head saying this with emphasis):

What I love the most [about teaching] is what happens with students. Let’s take you for example. You came into my house with braces on your teeth, a little junior high girl, and in six years you changed from a little kid [to] a vibrant, stable, gifted, happy person with goals of your own! We got you started teaching!

I was encouraged when I was fifteen to start teaching, that is what I like to do with my students. I encourage them to start teaching, get a student or two. I teach them a lesson on “How to teach the first piano lesson” – and then you realize you really can do it!

[My goal in teaching is] to take the little girls with braces and turn them into what you are – a wonderful, happy, capable person who can handle the world!! You are confident, happy, you have courage and character – you gained all of these because of your music. Music develops character and strength! You are a self-reliant, happy person! You are those things largely because of your music. Music turns people into wonderful, happy, confident, capable people! I always say “You can walk out of my door, but you can’t walk out of my heart!” I want to know everything that happens in your life, I love you!!! That is the great gift and influence of music. 

-Bonnie Winterton

So, I love this photo. To me it represents how far I have come, how much music has changed me, how much my piano teacher means to me and has influenced me in my life. We have such influence as piano teachers! Let us always remember how important our job is, not just in producing pianists but in nurturing people.

Jennifer Boster

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