Temporary Licensing Adjustments for Online Teaching & Resources for Spring!
How is everyone doing? I hope you and your loved ones are staying healthy! These sure are difficult times. I...
How is everyone doing? I hope you and your loved ones are staying healthy! These sure are difficult times. I...
Did you know that that piano nocturne originated in Ireland? Although many composers have written piano nocturnes, which are beautiful...
Today I want to share one of my favorite resources from the Irish Piano Pack. I designed the Rainbow Flashcards...
It is always fun to do holiday-themed activities with piano students! With St. Patrick’s Day coming up I wanted to...
My Dad has been going through old photos these past few weeks, and yesterday he happened upon this photo of...
I am just now finally feeling better after being sick for about 3 weeks straight! I had a sinus infection,...
Based on my blog post originally published on July 19, 2010. For my 10-year blogiversary I am re-sharing 10 favorite blog...
Based on my blog post originally published on June 29, 2010. For my 10-year blogiversary I am re-sharing 10 favorite blog...
Based on my blog post originally published on April 30, 2011. For my 10-year blogiversary I am re-sharing 10 favorite blog...
Based on my blog post originally published on March 5, 2010. For my 10-year blogiversary I am re-sharing 10 favorite...