6 Characteristics of Great Sight Readers


Based on my blog post originally published on June 29, 2010. For my 10-year blogiversary I am re-sharing 10 favorite blog posts!

I believe that sight reading is one of the most important skills we can teach our piano students. Sight reading ability is a great indicator of the student’s overall understanding of music and music theory. If a student is a good sight reader, chances are they are pretty musically-literate overall! In fact, sight reading is a big part of my own teaching philosophy. One of my three main objectives in my teaching is to help my students become musically-literate sight readers.

Being able to sight read well is of the utmost importance if one wants to be a proficient pianist. Students should learn all of the necessary concepts and skills to become good sight readers and well-rounded musicians. So why is sight reading so important? Here is a list I came up with:

  1. Good sight readers are able to accompany somebody or make music in a group at the drop of a hat
  2. Good sight readers are very good at recognizing and naming notes quickly, and/or great at intervallic reading.
  3. Good sight readers can probably learn new repertoire relatively quickly.
  4. Good sight readers are good at looking ahead while playing.
  5. Good sight readers can become familiar with a lot more repertoire without necessarily needing to study it in-depth.
  6. Good sight readers are well-rounded musicians!

It is one thing if our students can study a piece for weeks, months or years and then play it amazingly well (and this is definitely good!). But if they cannot sit down and play a new piece of music placed in front of them, are they truly good, well-rounded musicians?

I believe it is also important to recognize the fact that for some students, sight reading will come pretty naturally. For others it will be more challenging. Our challenge is to find ways to help each student become a better sight reader. Understanding the skills needed to sight read well will help us find different ways to reach each student!

Skills needed to sight read well:

  • Understanding of steps and skips, directional and intervallic reading.
  • Ability to keep a steady beat.
  • Good counting and rhythm skills.
  • Ability to look ahead while playing.
  • A good musical ear to listen and determine what went right or wrong.
  • Perseverance and grit to KEEP GOING!

There are so many varied ways to teach each of these skills. With some creativity and encouragement, we can help each student to become a better sight reader! One of the most important tips for becoming a good sight reader is to SIGHT READ EVERY DAY. When our students sight read even a line or two of music each day, they will quickly become better and better and more confident at sight reading.

Jennifer Boster

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